
Splendid Felicitations

Birthday gifts for Prince Regent Luitpold

On the occasion of Prince Regent Luitpold’s 200th birthday (1821-1912), the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum is celebrating one of the most popular representatives of the Bavarian royal family to this day. The focus of the exhibition is on the congratulatory addresses presented to him on his milestone birthdays in 1891, 1901 and 1911, fascinating works of high-ranking craftsmanship in large format. These works, most of which were previously completely unknown, brilliantly combine a wide variety of artistic techniques from goldsmithing and leather carving to embroidery and watercolour painting. The stylistic spectrum ranges from different varieties of historicism to art nouveau.
The selection represents a wide variety of artistic techniques and the stylistic spectrum between historicism and art nouveau and sheds light on the vibrant cultural development of the period known as the Prinzregentenzeit, the era of the Prince Regent named after the jubilarian. Paintings, sculptures, handicrafts and historical photographs lend a special vividness to Luitpold's imposing personality and his splendid birthday celebrations. Original memorabilia – such as the jacket the monarch is said to have worn at his death – add emotional accents.

Internet Prinzregent
Reiterstandbild Luitpold

„München leuchtete. Über den festlichen Plätzen und weißen
Säulentempeln, den antikisierenden Monumenten und Barockkirchen, den
springenden Brunnen, Palästen und Gartenanlagen der Residenz spannte
sich strahlend ein Himmel von blauer Seide, und ihre breiten und
lichten, umgrünten und wohlberechneten Perspektiven lagen in dem
Sonnendunst eines ersten, schönen Junitages.“

Thomas Mann: "Gladius Dei"

Film on the exhibition

Gluechwunschadresse eroeffnung

Special Exhibition



Gluechwunschadresse eroeffnung


on 22 September 2021

Prinzregent Luitpold Zylinder D17722

Hat of Prince Regent Luitpold

Glueckwunschadresse Pfalz PR30 D172676

Congratulatory adress