Franz Schubert: Die Winterreise (The Winter Journey). Tickets: Die Winterreise / Munich — JOEL FREDERIKSEN
Carnival concert for the whole family. Concert in german language In cooperation with Museumspädagogischen Zentrum
Antonio Vivaldi: HarfenkonzertJoseph Haydn: Konzert für Flöte und HarfeGeorge Bizet / François Borne: „Carmen" Fantasy für FlöteBedřich Smetana: „Die Moldau“Johann Strauß: „An…
The Bavarian Youth Baroque Orchestra plays concerti and compositions by Francesco Geminiani, Antonio Vivaldi, Evaristo Felice dall'Abaco and others.The entrance ticket to the…
Fr. Gregor Baumhof OSB Und die Münchner Scholaren, Dr. Matthias Weniger The entrance ticket to the museum is valid.
EXPANDING TIME – Liebe, bevor du liebst. Gregorianische Hymnen verweben sich mit Sufi-Lyrik auf Arabisch, den sphärischen Klängen der Steinharfe, den erdigen Tönen der Bassflöte…
Antonio Vivaldi: "Die Vier Jahreszeiten" - AusschnitteAlessandro Marcello: OboenkonzertAntonio Vivaldi: Violinkonzert "la stravaganza"Antonio Vivaldi: OboenkonzertGiacchino…
Suiten und Tänze des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Junge Musiker spielen auf dem originalen Cembalo von Jean Henri Hemsch aus Paris von 1754 in Saal 88 unserer Sammlung. Studierende…
Zwischen Mars & Venus XVII: Arien und Kantaten des Schützschülers Caspar Kittel. Caspar Kittel (1603–1639) ist ein selten gespielter Komponist des Barock. Schüler von…
The most important pieces in the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum’s collection of musical instruments hail from the personal belongings of Bavarian electors and from the Munich court…
Absolutistischer Mäzen bringt Segnungen fürs Volk. German guided tour. Dr. Sybe Wartena
Itinerant gleemen were outcasts but still needed by society on certain occasions. Roaming musicians were for long time related to liberty, pureness and vitality, which however…
This bass viola da gamba is one of the most magnificent instruments made by Tielke, who was one of the leading instrument makers of his time. The instrument was made for Elector…
German guided tour with music for families. Dr. Gunther Joppig und Dr. Sybe Wartena
…foreground. The host, Prince-Bishop Johann Theodor, leans casually on the back of the musician's chair. The younger brother of the reigning Bavarian Elector can be identified by…
…front of this commode exhibits a scene from the Commedia dell'Arte with spectators in theatre boxes on the left and right door. On the side panels, musicians are depicted…
The trompe l'oeil marquetery creates a perfect spatial illusion of musical instruments, board games and coffers behind open cupboard doors. That the illusion is created by using…
…with finest decorative details, known as finimenti, such as, for example, the 'Turkish Music Corps' - a truly royal Adoration of the Magi. The exoticism and splendour on display…
…of Nimrod and Romulus, the founders of the empire and the city of Rome. Scenes with musicians decorate the inner sides of the doors. An emperor on horseback as victor over four…
…parts were not necessarily contextually connected. Here a pair of Turks playing music flank a lady in courtly costume feeding a parrot with cherries. A harlequin standing behind…
…works and ivory carvings. In addition to porcelains, costumes, furniture, weapons, musical instruments and other genres, the collections also include remarkable testimonies to…
Would you like to take a look behind the scenes of the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum? Or would you rather try your hand at art yourself? Our wide-ranging programme of events includes…
…dress Dr Johannes Pietsch Furniture, games, musical instruments and models Dr Sybe Wartena Folk life…
This delicate silver Rococo centrepiece showing a pavilion with the group of musicians around a harpsichordist once adorned the table of Hildesheim's Prince-Bishop Friedrich…
…the leading European centres of art. Magnificent furniture, goldsmith's work, weapons, musical instruments, clocks, glasses, miniatures, ivory and bronze sculptures offers a…
…techniques also helps with attributions or other aspects of identification. Collection items such as wall-mounted interior fittings and musical instruments, also fall under this…
In the exhibition archive you can find information about our past special and studio exhibitions as well as interventions.You will find references to the theme, photo and video…