Exhibition Archive

Insights into past exhibitions

In the exhibition archive you can find information about our past special and studio exhibitions as well as interventions.
You will find references to the theme, photo and video material as well as the publications.

Crazy Christmas Saeal

Sepcial exhitions 2021/2022

Studio exhibitions

Petel Detail

Georg Petel and the mystery of his crucifxion group.

The studio-exhibition unravels the mystery behind a work of the famous Augsburg Baroque sculptor Georg Petel (1601/02–1634), who in the 18th century was praised as the “German Michelangelo”.
The exhibition is a cooperation between the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum and the Skulpturensammlung und Museum für Byzantinische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Exhibition period: 19/07–20/10/2024).


Keyvisual quer

Fahrende Musikanten und ihre Instrumente.

In Großstädten der Gegenwart ist Straßenmusik eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Doch traten schon vor Jahrhunderten Itinerant Musicians and their Instruments

The studio-exhibition presented instruments like bagpipes, hurdy-gurdies and mechanical instruments, together with figures and decorated objects from exquisitly painted fans to gaming-pieces in relief.


Intermezzo Murano Plakat

“Intermezzo Murano” combines exceptional modern glass objects with historical masterpieces. This juxtaposition illuminates two highly innovative eras.

To the exhibtion

Schnapstrinken Branntweinflasche D172280

The studio exhibition "Drinking Schnapps" presents almost 60 exceptionally designed, aesthetic, enigmatic and original vessels from the 17th century to the present day, which arouse curiosity to learn more about drinking spirits as a cultural practice.

To the exhibition